Sunday Service 19 09 2021
A special welcome to those visiting and to those returning to church after a time away.
I am Michelle McAdoo, probationer minister at Alva Parish Church.
Call to Worship
Heaven sent – from God, of God!
All that shows us of the character and goodness of God.
Let it be that our wisdom, our nature, our words and our actions reflect such a Heavenly Spirit.
Let our praise and time together in worship this morning be received as heaven sent
God’s gift to us of time, space and opportunity to worship together as a community.
Let us come before God and raise our worship.
For our boys and girls who perhaps can’t read all the words you can join in with a bit of dancing – show us your moves. The adults can dance too!
Hymn 1 Come, Holy Spirit, Come! CH4 594
Childrens Talk
When you go to Sunday school in the hall we read from the bible and we have Sunday school in here too where we learn about what god is teaching us on how to be Godlike. When you go into the hall today we might hear you making some noise when you are having fun and that’s great – we have really missed you all being at church with us and when we are baptized we as a church make promises to God to help to teach you what it means to be Godlike.
Today our story is telling us:
Don’t fight
Don’t lie
Don’t cheat
Be Godlike
Don’t brag
Don’t boast
Don’t show off
Be Godlike
Be safe
Play nice
Speak kindly
Be Godlike
Act fairly,
Work hard,
Use time wisely,
Be Godlike
Be humble,
Be generous
Be kind
Be Godlike
Be trusting,
Be a peacemaker,
Be patient,
Be Godlike
Build community
Create safe places,
Make friendships,
Be Godlike
That’s quite a list – think I need to try to practice those, glad I have God to help me to try even when I feel I don’t want to.
God loves us through all our feelings. We can feel so many feelings.
But sometimes when we come to church we think that we should only come feeling happy but inside we are feeling sad - so we put a happy mask on!
I have started a new role here as a probationer minister – feeling all the feelings– feel excited, feel nervous, feel happy, feel silly, feel sad.
You are just back to coming to Sunday school or other clubs and groups that you go along too – you will be feeling lots of things too – sad, happy, excited, silly.
What helps is when we talk about how we are feeling – to God, to our teachers, to our family and friends. The more we talk about how we are feeling, the more we understand why we are feeling what we are feeling and that help us to take care of ourselves and for others.
God loves all of who we are – happy, angry, sad, nervous, silly – God’s love is with us.
Prayer with children:
Who grateful we are God
That you love us just as we are
We are but a tiny part of your whole world
Thank you for sending Jesus
To show your love for us
And for teaching us how to live well
Honestly caring for all our brothers and sisters at home and around the world
Shine your holy light into our hearts and show us where we are angry at or jealous of our friends and family
Help us to let go of bad feelings and love others as you love us
Song with actions – Whole wide world – everyone knows this song and the actions – when we get to the baby you whisper, baby is sleeping!
We come humbly and honestly and offer this time to you.
We come aware of our imperfections and our need for transformation.
We long for your kingdom to come here and now and we know that we each have a part to play in making it happen.
All creation reveals you, from the stardust to the sawdust, from Munros to tiny toes.
Through Jesus you have revealed so much of your nature, your kindness, your gentleness, your generosity, your integrity.
You long for us to become more like Jesus, to live peaceful lives building healthy relationships with all people, creating community and good stewardship of our world.
Lord we confess that we do not always live up to your high standards, that too often we fail, giving in to envy and craving what is not ours.
Forgive us, Lord, we pray, we honestly confess our faults and failings to you and ask you to help us to be the people you made us to be.
May we always draw near to you in all things, and look to Jesus to guide us.
Lords prayer
Our Father
Who art in heaven
Hallowed by thy name
Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done in earth
As it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our debts
As we forgive our debtors
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
For thine is the kingdom
And The power and the glory
For ever and ever
You provide us with all we need gracious God, everything we have is a gift from you.
So we give our offerings of our time and talents and funds in service to you as we are blessed to be a blessing to others in this world.
Bless our gifts. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
In our worship times together over the restrictions there has been a lot of frustration about not being able to sing – and I have share that frustration.
But one of the blessings has been shared times of silence during worship to meditate, to take time to listen to what God is saying to us and to experience a bit of God’s peace. Our next song is a contemporary one and I would invite you to stay seated, to listen, perhaps to read the words, to reflect on what WISE means to you.
HYMN 3: Perfect wisdom of our God
Reading : James Chapter 3 verses 13 to chapter 4 verse 3 and then 7-8a
Two Kinds of Wisdom
13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Show by your good life that your works are done with gentleness born of wisdom. 14 But if you have bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not be boastful and false to the truth. 15 Such wisdom does not come down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, devilish. 16 For where there is envy and selfish ambition, there will also be disorder and wickedness of every kind. 17 But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without a trace of partiality or hypocrisy. 18 And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace for[a] those who make peace.
Friendship with the World
4 Those conflicts and disputes among you, where do they come from? Do they not come from your cravings that are at war within you? 2 You want something and do not have it; so you commit murder. And you covet[b] something and cannot obtain it; so you engage in disputes and conflicts. You do not have, because you do not ask. 3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, in order to spend what you get on your pleasures.
7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.
Let us pray:
As we listen to meditate on your word,
we ask you God to inspire us.
To reveal something of your hearts to us,
To teach us on what you require of us,
to allow us to draw closer to you.
Prayers for others and ourselves - there will be a moment of silence included during these prayers. (Announce any funerals and pray for family by name)
Guiding God
We come to draw near to you
As you draw near to us
To let in love and forgiveness
We pray for our world that is being scorched and ripped open by us to feed our greed instead of our needs
Nations race to control access of raw materials and resources, paying little heed of the natural environment or those who live there – often in rural and poorer areas.
Our empty local reservoirs, even in Scotland show that our environments are fragile. We pray for you to help us to take actions as we keep causing damage beyond repair.
Guiding God
Save us from ourselves and our inner defects of character that stand in the way of our usefulness to you and to others.
Place in our hearts a desire to be peacemakers and not always the one who has to be right. Remind us that our personal opinions and choices are not always for the greater good of our community.
Help us to see you in all people and to be open to resolving conflict with any we see as ‘other’ to ourselves. Remind us that we are all Children of God. Help us to speak out and stand with the abused, the neglected and the half a million people facing further poverty with the £20 reduction in Universal Credit. Remind us that providing food for the foodbank whilst staying silent on the causes of poverty in our community is not wise and requires action.
Guiding God
We pray for those in Forth Valley Royal intensive care with Covid and for the rising number of our younger folks who are suffering. Suffering with the affects of testing positive of Covid, suffering with missing even more education, suffering with missing normal life events – forgive us when we make choices that put our own needs ahead of those of our young people who have made so many sacrifices to keep us safe and well. We pray for those in our hospitals and nursing homes unable to have contact with family and for the nursing teams feeling burnout whilst everyone else seems to go back to normal. Help us to make choices to reduce risks so that we can show your love to others.
We pray for those closest to us
We pray for our own families, friends and neighbours
You know what is on their hearts this week, troubling them or sources of joy
Guiding God, let us love them and lift them to you in our silence
SILENCE (say serenity prayer for timing)
God you guide us with your wisdom and you teach us to be more caring in our everyday choices.
Help us to respond to others with love
Hymn 4: Be Thou my vision CH4 465
Blessing: Please stand
We are witnesses
To the love of God our maker
To the peace that Jesus gives us
To the Holy Spirit in our lives
Surprised, challenged, healed and nourished,
We go out in justice and joy to serve others.
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
And the love of God
And the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
Be with us all.