The Difference between God and man
The Difference between God and man John 3: 22-36 Hebrews 1: 1-4 13/1/19 I know it is a very old joke but... What is the difference...
Malachi the Grouch
Malachi the Grouch Malachi 4: 1-6. Luke 1: 5-17 16/12/18 Malachi is a tough book. It is a tough book because it is so real. People have...
Moving Towards God
Moving towards God Numbers 21: 4-9. John 3: 1-15. 25/11/18 Have you been listening to the phone-ins on Brexit recently? There is one...
What do we do with our whinging?
Numbers 11: 1-35. There is a lot of whinging in this passage. Everyone seems to be complaining. It starts off with the people complaining...
When we want a good moan
When we want a good moan Numbers 14: 1-10 & 11-19. 4/11/18 Just out of many of you have read the book of Numbers in the...
Joseph the Success
Joseph the success Genesis 39: 6-23 & 41: 17-57. I can remember one of the first jokes that Rev. George Sherry told me. A priest and a...
Dreams and dysfunctions.
Dreams and dysfunctions. Genesis ch37 v2b – 36. Part 1 Dreams. By the time Joseph was born into a family of ten brothers and several...
Prayer from Gil Harvie
Great and magnificent God, we are in awe of you. You are so all-encompassing that we can never fully understand the breadth and depth of...
The Tower that should not have been built
The Tower that should not have been built Genesis 11: 1-9. 7/10/18 I have been going nuts over this passage for about a month. When Gil...
Harvest Mark 4: 26-29. 30/9/18 Here is a fact. Farmers like to complain about the weather. At the start of the year we had farmers...