Come and See
Have you ever thought of how we appear as a congregation to others?Imagine a stranger in Alva, walking into our church one Sunday...

What was happening when nothing was happening?
Isaiah 42: 1-9 Matthew 3: 13-17 12/1/20 There is nothing worse that coming halfway into a conversation and you have missed the important...

Never as bad as it seems
Never as bad as it seems Matthew 2: 1:12 & 13-18. 29/12/19 This is a pretty horrible story. It’s true to what we know of Herod. As a king...

A story for Christmas
A story for Christmas Luke 2: 1-7 I know that Christmas is meant to be a happy time but I heard a really sad story It was about Baby...

Advent 3
Advent 3 Isaiah 35. Matthew 11: 2-11. 15/12/19 ‘The desert will rejoice, the flowers will bloom in the wilderness.’ I was at an old folks...

Advent 1
Advent 1 Isaiah 2: 1-5. 1/12/19 (Earlier in the service the first Advent candle was lit and then as an act of prayer each member of the...

Sunday 24th November Reading and Prayer
In this first prayer we are going to pray for ourselves and others… Let us pray Lord we come before you this morning with all our...

Changing God’s mind
Genesis 18: 20-33. Matthew 15: 21-28. 24/11/19 The next question I am going to ask is going to open up a real can of worms... Have you...

Sunday 17th November Reading and Prayer
Great and wonderful God, we have come here today to worship you, because you alone are worthy of praise. Our minds can never fully...

By Faith
By Faith Hebrews 11: 1-40. 17/11/19 We took my two year old granddaughter Jessica to the Alloa fireworks last week. She had been told...